Sunday, January 24, 2010

Discipline ( individual and societal)

I was always obsessed with the personal discipline- organizing things, attempting to sort my plans for the future, keeping my body clean, despising anything that would undermine self-control i.e. alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, crowded places, etc.. Discipline for me is a type of an order, and if such doesn't exist or society around me lacks it I get annoyed and try to change or simply leave. My vision - the discipline in an individual is a great fuel for a person to do his or her task efficiently and for the better of the society. I know many "artistic " people would argue with me and say that some of the most beautiful works were created based on a chaotic theme. Be it as it may, but i have a proof and that is my life. Naturally, as a child I would sort my toys, feed the animals in the farm , care for the friends, and help to bring the physical disarray to order. Later, this characteristic made me the Best student in school in all disciplines and school events, the college and post graduate work came easy and yielded wonderful results culminating in achieving the best in the world education: Master in Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. I think that without the personal discipline I would not get that far.
Now, i have plenty of time to gather my thoughts and apply some knowledge in here speaking about the societal discipline and its necessity for a harmonious living. I would stay away from the Islamic rhetoric and so far discuss the Western idea or society and its citizens

Preliminary reading required:
-Friedrich Nietzsche "Beyond Good and Evil" and " On the genealogy of Morality"
-Emanuel Kant (1724)" Metaphysics of Morals"
-Michel Foucault " Discipline and Punishment"